B.A.R.T. 1999
Age of Empires
Final version
Drücke "Enter" und gebe die folgenden CODES (Kleinbuchstaben)
ein :
BIG BERTHA: Big Catapults
BIGDADDY: Get A Cool Car /W A Rocket Launcher
BLACK RIDER: Transforms Horse Archer into a Black Rider.
When killed, it will turn into a Heavy Catapult.
COINAGE: 1000 Einheiten GOLD
DIEDIEDIE: Zerstört alle gegnerischen Einheiten und Häuser
DARK RAIN: Makes Adv Bowmen turn into trees when standing still and they can
walk on water.
E=MC2 TROOPER: Trooper that fires a nuclear missile
FLYING DUTCHMAN: Juggernauts turn into the Flying Dutchman
GAIA: Control the Animals (you lose control of the humans)
HARI KARI: Zerstört alle eigenen Gebäude
HOME RUN: gewinne das SZENARIO
HOYOHOYO: Priests get lots of speed and 600 hit points
ICBM: Ballista has range of 100
JACK BE NIMBLE: Select a Catapult and enter this cheat. The
Catapult will then fire cows, super villagers with capes(and no
pants!), or tumbling villagers, depending on orientation.
KILLX: Where 'X' Is The Players Position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
MEDUSA: Villagers become medusa. When a villager is killed, he becomes
a black rider. And if he is killed again, the
villager becomes a heavy catapult.
NO FOG: Hebt den Kriegsnebel auf (aber nicht seine Wirkung)
PHOTON MAN: Get a 'Nuke Trooper' (guy with a laser gun)
QUARRY: 1000 Einheiten STEINE
RESIGN: Das laufende Spiel abbrechen
REVEAL MAP: Karte aufdecken
STEROIDS: Dorfbewohner bauen schneller
WOODSTOCK: 1000 Einheiten HOLZ
To enable food, wood, stone and gold cheat keys in a single player game:
Press CTRL-N to start a new game. Return to Main Menu and choose Single
Player Mode. The following Cheat keys are enabled when you choose a Campaign:
F6 - Reveal Map
F7 - Disable Fog of War
CTRL+F - 1000 food
CTRL+G - 1000 gold
CTRL+S - 1000 stone
CTRL+W - 1000 wood
CTRL+P - Place rock with left mouse button click.
CTRL+Q - Quick build
CTRL+T - Menu
Note: You can't use these cheats once a game has already started.