B.A.R.T. 1999

Alone in the Dark

Warning: The following is a detailed walkthrough of Alone in the Dark. It contains information necessary to completing the game. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH!!! If you do, terrible things could happen. Your nose might fall off, for instance. You wouldn't want that, would you?

Alone in the Dark Walkthrough

1. Attic

2. Storeroom

3. Upstairs hallway

4. Room

5. Dressing Room

6. Bedroom

7. Bathroom

8. Upper Lobby

9. Lower Lobby

10. Sitting Room

11. Hallway

12. Bathroom

13. Dark Bedroom

14. Front Lobby

15. Enclosed Porch

16. Kitchen

17. Dining Room

18. Smoking Room

19. Hallway with paintings

20. Jeremy's Bedroom

21. Library

22. Secret Room

23. Jeremy's Study

24. Pirates Room

25. Dance Hall

26. Bottomless Chasm

27. Cave

28. Underground

29. Tunnel

30. Rock Pillar Cavern

31. Large Cavern With Planks

32. Pirate's Chest

33 Dark Maze

34. End Cavern

35. Basement

Congratulations, you have reached the end of game!