B.A.R.T. 1999

Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2

Weather intensity modifications:
ALT+CTR+R       Rain toggle
ALT+CTL+W       Wind toggle
ALT+CTL+S       Snow toggle
ALT+CTL+L       Lightning toggle
Toggling will affect the intensity of the weather.

Box Cheats:
Press ALT+CTRL+B to turn Boxes On, which will show you 3 different color boxes.

RED     - non-moving, dead fields
YELLOW  - possible animal location point
GREEN   - animal
Restore Health:
Press ALT+CTRL+H to restore health.

Display Frame Rate:
Press ALT+CTRL+F to show the framerate.

Auto Camera:
Press ALT+CTRL+C for the auto camera.

More Money:
In the catalog, press ALT+CTRL+M for extra money.

Targeting in sights:
While you are in the Target Range and ready to shoot at the target, press ALT+CTL+T and the "Weapon Sighting Information" will be on. Fire the weapon. You should see the targeting coorinates (X-Y). Use the arrow keys to bring the weapons targeting coordinates to zero-zero (X=0, Y=0). Now the weapon is perfectly sighted.