B.A.R.T. 1999

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Enter the following as your name:
6661970         Infinite lives
iamfilth        No Police
tithead         No Police
deathtoall      Press * for all weapons
tourettes       Infinite lives and press * for all weapons
ohmatron        Infinite lives and press * for all weapons
pieandmash      Infinite lives and press * for all weapons
asawindow       Infinite lives and press * for all weapons
notourettes     Infinite lives and press * for all weapons
flashmotor      All levels
super well      All levels
travelcard      All levels and Infinite lives
iamgod          10x Multiplier
averyrichman    999999999 points
uaintnuffin     All items
psychadelic     Honk horn to change colors
silence         Polie radio off
driveby         Shoot from car
herc            10x multiplier, no police, unlimited lives, shoot from car, 
                weapons, level select, change car color 
rommel          Debug mode