B.A.R.T. 1999

Sim City 2000


Type in...

This enables the Debug.. It gives you all the new structures and you can get endless amounts of money. It also lets you have new disasters. Enter this code when you open up your city or when you're starting a new one.

Each time you do this you will receive $250.
Careful!! If you do this many times in a row, eventually a fire storm will start.

When you start a new city, don't do anything until you use this cheat. Enter the word two times and click OK. Now go up to your window menu and go down to the budget window. Click on the Bond payments, then issue another bond from the bond payments. You should have a bond that says .%. Do this and you should have 1 million in the first year then maybe 5 million in the second.

 More cheats for Windows '95 version:

buddamus:       Nuclear meltdown
gilmartin:      Military base
imacheat:       500,000 bucks
joke:           Tells you a joke
mrsoleary:      Starts a fire
noah:           Major flood
priscilla:      Debug menu
More cheats for Windows 3.1 version:
buddamus:       Lots of money and all the rewards
gilmartin:      Military base 
gomorrah:       Nuclear meltdown
joke:           Tells you a joke
moses:          Stops flood
noah:           Major flood
'damn,' 'heck,' or 'darn' - depending on version, will either make the computer say "Hey! Same to you buddy!" or it will turn all residential areas into churches.

MAC Only:
Type in porntips guzzardo and get half a million dollars. Then after that whenever you type ardo you get another half a mil. It works for Mac only.

 Do this before you build anything:

P.S. Do not repay bonds.

 Everything trick (DOS version):

Magic Eraser: The population of the area that you erased will stay and you can build on that area to increase the population even more!

 The Phantom Water Trick: