/health 999 - full health /wuss - all weapons /superfuzz - god mode /nocollision - no clipping /wallflower - enemy won't shoot at you /give thrallgun - secret weapon /spawn heligun - Gives chopper gun with unlimited ammo /spawn magnum - Gives the Magnum /spawn shotgun - Gives the Shotgun /spawn assaultrifle - Gives the Assaultrifle /spawn rocketlauncher - Gives the Rocketlauncher /spawn sniperrifle - Gives the Sniperrifle /spawn reactiveshields - Gives the ReactiveShield /spawn rockets - Gives Rockets /spawn bluecard - Gives Blue Identcard /spawn orangecard - Gives Orange Identcard /spawn yellowcard - Gives Yellow Identcard /spawn greencard - Gives Green Identcard /spawn keyring - Gives small key /spawn moneybag - Gives bag from bank robbery /spawn evidence - Gives papers with evidence /spawn coin - Gives a coin /spawn health - Gives a healthpack /spawn cookies - Gives a pack of cookies /spawn lensflare - Weird light-effect /spawn silencer - Gives a silencer for a standard gun /spawn chemsuit - Gives protection suit